Monday 24 November 2014

Take a ride on a Jeepney ~

This scene is commonly found in Philippines and I was just surprised to see this when I took a pic, but then again I think this kind of riding style is nothing comparing to the riding style in China or India ?!  One interesting thing I saw this morning was, a guy dropped his jacket on the road whilst he was holding on to the Jeepney. Next he signal the driver, then hopped off the Jeepney and ran back to where he dropped the jacket then back to the Jeepney. I was very surprised that the driver did actually stopped in the middle of the road for this fellow, so he could pick up his jacket and get back on the ride.  If this was happened in China I wonder the driver may stop for him or even allow him to get back on the "van".  

So, did I ever try riding on a Jeepney ? Yes, but a very clean and nice one where they displayed it at the shopping mall for people to take pictures :-)